Awarded 2023, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Radiography
Project: An exploratory qualitative mapping of the Kaizen culture implemented in Toyota onto a radiotherapy setting
Awarded 2023, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Professional discipline: Health Protection Practitioner
Project: Exploring Vaccine Hesitancy among Welsh Prison Residents: A Qualitative Study
Awarded 2023, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Occupational Therapy
Project: How do women’s health concerns impact on their employment within healthcare services?
Awarded 2023, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Pharmacy
Project: Facilitators and barriers to expanding scope of practice for Pharmacist independent prescribers in North Wales: a qualitative study
Awarded 2023, Bangor University
Professional discipline: Pharmacy
Project: Exploring the views of doctors and pharmacists on the role of newly qualified pharmacists who are able to prescribe from the point of registration: a general practice perspective
Awarded 2023, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: Exploring the challenges experienced by Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses during the organ donation process – A scoping review
Awarded 2023, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: Electronic Practice Assessment Documents (ePADs) what works, for whom, in what circumstances and why? A realist review
Awarded 2023, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Professional discipline: Biomedical Science
Project: The in vitro effect of a novel Antimicrobial Peptide (Stig_370a) on multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria
Awarded 2023, Swansea University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: Evaluating the impact of a new multidisciplinary-led virtual ward, on patient experience, when presenting with blunt chest wall trauma to Morriston Hospital
Awarded 2023, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Radiography
Project: Radiography student perceptions of a simulated clinical placement to enhance clinical placement capacity: a descriptive qualitative study
Awarded 2022, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Pharmacy
Project: A pilot study to explore the underpinning reasons as to why dissatisfaction within the community pharmacist workforce is higher than in other areas of practice
Awarded 2022, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Dietetics
Project: Evaluating Nutrition Skills for Life®- What works, for whom and under what circumstances: a scoping review.
Awarded 2022, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Pharmacy
Project: A Qualitative Study to explore the barriers to engagement with a Physical Health Check in patients with Severe Mental Illness (SMI)
Awarded 2022, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Professional discipline: Speech & Language Therapy
Project: Over the rainbow: Exploring the role of an inpatient aphasia-friendly choir for people with post-stroke communication impairment (PSCI) from the perspective of the multi-disciplinary team (MDT)
Awarded 2022, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: Health Professionals implicit bias of adult patients with low socioeconomic status and its effects on clinical
decision making: A Scoping Review.
Awarded 2022, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: Experiences of participating in pre-habilitation programmes among people living with and beyond
cancer: a qualitative study
Awarded 2021, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Pharmacy
Project: Horizon scanning to support patient access to medicines in NHS Wales: a qualitative study
Awarded 2021, Swansea University
Professional discipline: Biomedical/ Clinical Science
Project: Spatial Transcriptomics for Advanced Cancer Pathology
Awarded 2021, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Podiatry
Project: Early access to virtual resources for the self-management of Plantar Fasciitis: A proof of concept and feasibility study
Awarded 2021, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: To look at the views of patients switching to a virtual epilepsy service during the COVID 19 pandemic
Awarded 2021, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Professional discipline: Speech & Language Therapy
Project: Are video-based consultations with children investigated for Autism Spectrum Disorder appropriate and reliable? A mixed methods approach.
Awarded 2021, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: Co-design and acceptability of a physical activity intervention for people with osteoarthritis
Dyfarnwyd 2021, Prifysgol Abertawe
Disgyblaeth broffesiynol: Radiograffeg
Prosiect: Nodi a Blaenoriaethu Hyfforddiant Delweddu Diagnostig: asesiad anghenion hyfforddi cenedlaethol mewn Meddygaeth Frys
Awarded 2019, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Pharmacy
Project: Analysing antidepressant prescription duration in Welsh GP practices to monitor depression management and address the lack of Welsh specific data
Awarded 2019, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Professional discipline: Pharmacy
Project: Designing an intervention to improve the timeliness of medicines supply and clinical information at discharge from hospital
Awarded 2019, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: Exploring public understanding in Wales of the management of brief intervention for physical activity according to guidelines, for the management of MSK pain: A qualitative focus group study
Awarded 2019, Swansea University
Professional discipline: Physiology
Project: Primary care based physiologists- a role that should be developed?
Awarded 2019, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Pharmacy
Project: What are the opinions of stakeholders about integrating pharmacists into Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs)?
Awarded 2019, Glyndwr University
Professional discipline: Dietetics
Project: Exploring the feasibility of a dietetic led Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD)
intervention, for patients with Type 2 diabetes and non-healing neuropathic foot ulcers; targeting, blood glucose (HbA1C); weight; effect on wound healing and Quality of Life
Awarded 2019, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: Developing competencies for Neurological Physiotherapy
Awarded 2019, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: Involvement in decision making in scheduled secondary care: The perspectives of people with a learning disability, their carers and acute learning disability liaison nurses
Awarded 2019, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Midwifery
Project: Breech Birth Choices Study
Funded by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Awarded 2019, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: Patient perception of the effectiveness and use of salt as a treatment for overgranulation at their gastrostomy tube site
Funded by Tenovus Cancer Care
Awarded 2019, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: Patients’ and Professionals’ View of the Impact of a Diagnosis of Cancer being Made Following an Unplanned Hospital Attendance; a pilot study
Funded by Tenovus Cancer Care
Awarded 2019, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Occupational Therapy
Project: To examine whether education for families on core end of life care skills enables them to be better prepared for providing care at home (alongside paid carers if required) and reduces associated anxiety
Funded by Tenovus Cancer Care
Awarded 2019, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Occupational Therapy
Project: The impacts of different types of wheeled equipment at hospital discharge on the lived experiences of people following trans-tibial amputation surgery
Funded by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board