The School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Studies values people as individuals and will establish and maintain standards of quality and excellence in teaching and learning processes; methods and resources; in student progression and assessment; in the acquisition of students' clinical skills; in continuing professional development for staff and students; and in health-related research activity.
The Cardiff School of Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University offers a wide portfolio of courses in Dietetics, Podiatry, and Speech and Language Therapy. The School is research-active and provides a vibrant environment to engage in health-related research.
Encompasses nine fields across health care: Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging; Radiotherapy and Oncology; Intra and Perioperative Practice; Medical Illustration; Midwifery; Nursing; Occupational Therapy; Operating Department Practice and Physiotherapy. With well-established histories of best practice in student experience and academic standards and offering world-leading clinical skills laboratories, research centres and teaching facilities.
The centre aims to develop and support health research activities. It has established a substantial research base for teaching, learning and practice in the health and caring professions. The Centre works closely with the Social Inclusion Research Unit as well as with local NHS trusts and Local Health Boards, Social Services Departments and Local Education Authorities.
The College draws together the disciplines of health, nursing, midwifery, social care, social policy and psychology and is the largest provider of health care education in Wales, providing an exciting and dynamic environment in which to study and further an academic or professional career.
The Faculty of Life Sciences and Education, University of South Wales, is committed to ensuring that research is placed at the heart of the academic environment; valued in its own right and for the richness it brings to education and professional practice. Applied research, and studies of the implications of research are also important areas, and the Faculty has close links with policy-makers in health, science and education.
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
Swansea Bay University Health Board
Tenovus Cancer Care