Awarded 2018, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Occupational Therapy
Project: The impact of night-positioning aids on the wellbeing of people living with dementia: a feasibility study to determine the most relevant outcome measures to use in a larger intervention project
Awarded 2018, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: The patient experience of a biomechanically informed movement feedback approach to Physiotherapy using Wearable Sensor Technology
Awarded 2018, Cardiff Metrpolitan University
Professional discipline: Podiatry
Project: Exploring the efficacy of the use of Motivational Interviewing techniques, within a podiatry clinical setting, to elicit successful health and wellbeing behaviour changes
Awarded 2018, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Pharmacy
Project: An Investigation of Troponin, CRP and NT -proBNP Monitoring for Patients Initiating Clozapine: A Pilot Study
Awarded 2018, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Speech and Language Therapy
Project: Exploring parental perceptions of the value and delivery of Parent-Child Interaction therapy for children with language difficulties
Awarded 2018, Swansea University
Professional discipline: Physiology
Project: Screening for obstructive sleep apnoea in pregnancy: seeking the views of service users and clinicians
Awarded 2018, Swansea University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: A service evaluation assessing the impact of the implementation of the All Wales Devastating Brain Injury Guidelines in Morriston Hospital
Awarded 2017, Cardiff university
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: Developing a patient centred low back pain (with or without leg symptoms) management decision aid. A pilot study
Awarded 2017, Swansea University
Professional discipline: Dietetics
Project: The acceptability, challenges and benefits of a new approach to the provision of gluten free
Awarded 2017, Bangor University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: Understanding patient perceptions of exercise and conceptual models of pain in a lumbar radicular pain population
Awarded 2017, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: To examine the benefits and risks of administering blended diet to children and young people who are gastrostomy fed in the community
Awarded 2017, Swansea University
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: The needs and concerns of adult haematology patients on completion of initial active chemotherapy treatment in West Wales: a mixed methods investigation
Funded by Tenovus Cancer Care
Awarded 2017, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: Determining the reliability and validity of the Modified Oxford Grading Score (MOS) through Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) as a measure of pelvic floor strength in males
Funded by Tenovus Cancer Care
Awarded 2017, Bangor University
Professional discipline: Pharmacy
Project: Medication management in the last months and weeks of life: refining a purposely designed tool to support appropriate, timely de-prescribing
Awarded 2017, University of South Wales
Professional discipline: Midwifery
Project: Exploring the psychological experiences of pregnant women who have previous Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Awarded 2017, Glyndwr University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: Physiotherapists understanding of vascular risk factors in neck and head pain
Awarded 2016, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Professional discipline: Dietetics
Project: Exploring the multidisciplinary team’s awareness of disordered eating/disordered insulin patterns in young people with Type 1 Diabetes to support education, extended practitioner roles and propose prudent interventions to minimise health complications
Awarded 2016, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: Post-critical care survivorship: impact and consequences for close family members
Awarded 2011, University of South Wales (Glamorgan)
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: What Facilitates/Hinders Heart Failure Specialist Nurses When Caring for Heart Failure Patients at End of Life
Awarded 2009, Glyndwr University
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: Decision-making in clinical practice: An exploratory study
Awarded 2009, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: Feasibility study to inform a randomised control trial of methods to minimise pain response during routine immunisation of infants
Awarded 2008, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Professional discipline: Biomedical Science
Project: Prevalence effects in visual cell search: Implications for training and practice
Awarded 2008, Swansea University
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: An evaluation of instructors’ views and experiences of delivering Mental Health First Aid training in Wales
Awarded 2008, Cardiff University
Professional discipline: Physiotherapy
Project: Scapulohumeral assessment in the clinical setting: The development of a robust measurement tool
Awarded 2008, Bangor University
Professional discipline: Nursing
Project: An exploratory study examining the impact of stroke on spousal relationships