10:20-10:30 - Join Microsoft Teams
10:30 - Welcome message, Prof Ian Mathieson (RCBCWales Grant Holder) & Dr Gina Dolan (RCBCWales Operational Lead, USW)
10:50-11:05 - CoS Overview, Dr Roiyah Saltus
(RCBCWales Academic Facilitator)
11:05-12:00 - Public Involvement: Working Well Together, Henry Yeomans (Operational Group PPI Representative)
12:00-12:10 - Evaluation & close, Marina McDonald, (RCBCWales Senior Administrator)
12:10-1:00 - Lunch
1:00-3:00 - Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) Workshop, PRIME
10.20: Join and welcome
10:30 – 10:50: Thorn and Rose exercise (small groups)
10:50 – 11:15: Communicating about our research, Dr Julia Terry
11:15:11:30: Break
11:30 – 12:30: Operational research as part of the pandemic response, Professor Daniel Thomas.
12:30 – 12:50: Short presentation by Dr Lorelei Jones
12.50 – 1.00: Evaluation and close
This study day will be part of Bangor University’s International Health Services Research Summer School
10.00 Fellows arrive
10.00-10.30 Group work
10.30-11.00 Reshma Raycoba, Head of Public Involvement, Research Governance and Digital, Welsh Government Research & Development Division
11.00-12.30 Professor Daniel Kelly, Cardiff University
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee morning (How are things going? What are your key successes to date? What is working? Are you ready to share your work with the group in a future study day? How are you feeling about the forthcoming residential – any suggestions re format or key speakers?)
11:00 – 11:50 Death, dying and bereavement: Reflecting on a research career working with people with learning disabilities and those who support them (Professor Stuart Todd, University of South Wales)
11:50 – 12:00 Break (alongside whatever else you can do in 10 mins, please leave your screens, move around, look outside, close your eyes, stretch and breathe deeply! )
12:00 – 12:45 Covid-19 & People with learning disabilities Study: Working with others in the pandemic (Dr Edward Oloidi, University of South Wales)
12:45 – 13:00: Close (evaluation)
10:15 Fellow Presentations: Aysha Siddika (Cardiff Metropolitan University) Are video-based consultations with children being investigated for Autism Spectrum Disorder appropriate and reliable? A mixed methods approach
Kerry Nyland (USW) Early access to virtual resources for the self- management of Plantar Fasciitis: A proof of concept and feasibility study
Zoe Silsbury (Cardiff University) Development of a physical activity tool
11:00 – 12:30 Real world research; from idea to impact. Dr Paul Gill
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 2:30 Exploring approaches to data analysis and writing study findings
Dr Jessica Baillie https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/50947-baillie-jessica
2:30 – 3:00 Planning the Residential
Evaluation & Close
Programme 24th March
9:15am-9.30am Meet and greet All Fellows
9:30am-9.35am Welcome Dr Ian Mathieson, RCBCWales Operational Lead
9:35am-9.45am Overview of the day Dr Roiyah Saltus, CoS Academic Lead & Dr Gina Dolan, RCBCWales Operational Lead
9:45am-5pm Workshop 1: Influencing Upwards: Communicating with Senior Stakeholders
Robin Bayley, Coach and trainer, Ginger Leadership Communications
9.45am-5pm Workshop 2: An Introduction to TED-style Speaking, Beverley Glick, Coach and trainer, Ginger Leadership Communications
Programme 25th March
Morning Free time (e.g. Restorative activities, meeting with Fellows) All Fellows
10:45am-11am Welcome to the day Dr Roiyah Saltus, CoS Academic Lead & Dr Gina Dolan, RCBCWales Operational Lead
11am-11:15am Study: Horizon scanning to support patient access to medicines in NHS Wales: a qualitative study Claire Ganderton, RCBCWales First into Research Fellow
11:15am-11:30am Study: Switching to virtual epilepsy care delivery since the onset of the Covid 19 pandemic: A service users’ perspective
Malisa Pierri, RCBCWales First into Research Fellow
11:30am-11:45am Study: Identifying and Prioritising Diagnostic Imaging Training: a national training needs assessment in Emergency Medicine Victoria Whitchurch, RCBCWales First into Research Fellow
11:45am-12pm Study: Spatial Transcriptomics for Advanced Cancer Pathology Kate Murphy, RCBCWales First into Research Fellow
12pm–1 pm Lunch – Inspiration 3
1pm-3.30pm Workshop: Mindfulness Roy Ellis, Mindfulness Trainer, Academi Wales, Continuous Improvement and Change Team
1.45pm-2.00pm Afternoon Break – hub cafe
3.30pm-3.35pm Close of residential & Evaluation
10:15: Induction session (new cohort only)
10:45 – 11:10: coffee morning (for all)
11:10 – 11:15: short comfort break
11:15 – 12:35: Keynote presentation by Professor Joyce Kenkre
12:35 – 12:50: welcome from RCBCWales Leads (Dr Ian Mathison and Dr Gina Dolan)
12:50: Thanks and close
Arrival - Refreshments
10:30 – 10:40
R Saltus
10:40 – 11:10
CoS exercise
Comfort / grab a coffee/tea
11:15 – 12:30
‘Storyboarding the research journey’
Dr Nova Corcoran (Senior Lecturer, USW)
12:30 – 1:30
1:30 – 2:45
‘Research, policy and influence’
Professor Jean White CBE (Visiting Professor of Nursing, USW)
2:45 – 3:00
3:00 – 3.45
Visual / Creative Dissemination
CoS Team
3.45 -4.00
Thanks and Close
R Saltus
Programme 15th September
9.15am Welcome & Overview of the day Roiyah Saltus, CoS Academic Lead
9:20am-10:00 am Small group work: so far so good? All Fellows
10:00am-10:20am Study: Solving the Unsolved: Reanalysis of genomic data to increase diagnostic yield in patients with critical illness and early-onset epilepsy Dr Jana Jezkova (RCBC Postdoc Fellow) Discussants: Malissa and Esther
10:20am-10:40am Study: Turning the T1DE Aisling Pigott (RCBC PhD Student) Discussants: Lisa and Rebecca
11:00-12 Presentation: ‘WHO WANTS TO PLAY 'RESEARCHER'? A research student’s qualitative approach, using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) Fern Mitchell, Psychology Department, Wrexham Glyndŵr University Discussant: Julia
12:00-12:45pm Lunch
We will depart at 1pm my minibus, leaving at the entrance of the Lodge. Please pack spare clothing and complete the documentation beforehand
1:30 pm- 4 pm Aqueduct Canoe Tour, Bearded Men Adventure
Programme 16th September
9:15 Welcome to the day Dr Roiyah Saltus, CoS Academic Lead
9:20 – 10:50 Presentation: Digging into Digital Media: using it to engage and inform Kimberley Littlemore, Founder and Creative Director, eHealth Digital Media
10:50am-11:00am Break
11:00am-11:20am Study: Caring for people with dementia at end of life: End of life clinical decision-making process of healthcare professionals’ within primary care Cathryn Smith (RCBC PhD Student) Discussants: Amy and Claire
11:20am-11:40am Study: Pre-hospital care and the rural implementation of Advanced Paramedic Practitioners in the community: Mapping an effective model Berwyn Jones, RCBC PhD Student Discussants: Emily and Aisling
11:40am-12pm Study: SUPERSTAR: Systems that support hearing families with d/Deaf*1 children: an exploratory study of multiple perspectives Dr Julia Terry, RCBC Postdoc Fellow Discussants: Lisa and Jana
12pm–1 pm Lunch
1pm Close of Residential
CoS Facilitator – Dr Lorelei Jones (RCBC OG Lead, Bangor University)
9.45 Introduction to the day (Dr Gina Dolan)
9.55 Breakout rooms – coffee morning catch up (All Fellows)
10.30 Fellow Presentation 1 with Q&A – Amy Bendall, First into Research Fellow
10.50 Fellow Presentation 2 with Q&A – Jodie Gill, PhD Fellow
11.10 Fellow Presentation 3 with Q&A – Claire Job, First into Research Fellow
11.30 Fellow Presentation 4 with Q&A – Lisa Williams, First into Research Fellow
11.50 -12 Reflection on the day, evaluation and close (Dr Lorelei Jones)
9:50 Welcome R Saltus
10 - 10:30am Coffee and catch up All Fellows
10:30 – 12 The Ontology of Well-Being in Social Policy and Welfare Practice? Professor Steve Smith
12 – 1pm Lunch
1 – 2:15 A journey from reviewing evidence to funded projects on empathy and compassion
Dr Juping Yu
2:15 – 3:30 Minding the gaps: working across academia, policy and practice Professor Mark Llewellyn
3:30 Close & Evaluation
10am Arrival and refreshments
10.25am Welcome and housekeeping
Prof Roiyah Saltus & Dr Jessica Baillie
10:30am Reflections on what happened next
Professor Ben Hannigan, Professor of Mental Health Nursing and Director of Postgraduate Research
11.15am Reflections on what happened next
Dr Kate Button, Reader in Physiotherapy and Director of Research
12.00pm Lunch
1.00pm Reflections on what happened next
Dr Nicholas Courtier, Senior Lecturer in Radiotherapy and Oncology
1.45pm Coaching
Hannah Arnold, Lecturer in Adult Nursing
2.45pm Coffee
3.15pm Coaching
Hannah Arnold, Lecturer in Adult Nursing
4.15pm Close
This CoS session was part of the Bangor University Residential Summer School
Programme 13th September 2023
9.15 am Welcome Prof Roiyah Saltus, CoS Academic Lead
9:20 am-10:00 am Building Our Research Community: So far, so good? All Fellows
10:00 am-12:30 Workshop 1: Forming your research identity, one block at a time Liz Oseland, CEO, Liz Learning
12:30 – 1:15 Lunch
1:15 – 3:45 Workshop 2: Tools and Techniques for Self-Leadership. Pamela Heneberry, Managing Director, The Professional Development Centre
3:45 – 4 Break
4– 5 pm Building our Research Community: What the Health and Care Research Wales Faculty can offer researchers. Dr Claire O’Neill, Research Development Advisor, Faculty Health and Care Research Wales
Programme 14th September
9:15 Welcome to the day
9:30 – 12:30 Workshop 3: The Body Hotel: The Body as Researcher Dr Thania Acarón, Lecturer in Arts, Health & Wellbeing; Performance, University of South Wales, THE BODY HOTEL C.I.C.
12:30 – 1:45 Lunch
1:45 – 2:05 Study: Caring for people with dementia at end of life: End of life clinical decision-making process of healthcare professionals within primary care. Cathryn Smith (RCBCWales PhD Fellow)
2:05 – 2:20 Study: Eating distress in Type 1 Diabetes: Building on current understanding of young people with Type 1 Diabetes and disordered eating to improve services for children and young people with diabetes in Wales. Aisling Pigott (RCBCWales PhD Fellow)
2:20 Evaluation
3 pm Close of Residential
9:15 am Welcome Dr Robert Mayr & Prof. Roiyah Saltus
Fellows Presentations
9:15 – 9:30 The use of in silico/bioinformatics techniques in the development of potential new antimicrobials. Yusuph Mligiliche
9:30 – 9:45 Embedding simulated clinical placements into an undergraduate diagnostic radiography programme to enhance clinical placement capacity – the journey so far. Kirstie Brewer
9:45 – 10.00 How do women’s health concerns impact their employment within healthcare services? Lara Cowpe
10:10 – 12:30 Workshop: Overcoming challenges in your research journey. Liz Oseland
1:30 – 2:50 Physiology informing clinical understanding: whose idea was it? Prof. Barry McDonnell
3:00 – 4:15 My Clinical Academic Journey – It all started with a foot pulse! Dr Jane Lewis
4:15 Close and thanks
9:10 Welcome Dr. Joanne Pike & Prof. Roiyah Saltus
9:15 – 9:45 Planning exercise All
10:00 – 12:30 Workshop Victoria Graham
Fellows’ Presentations
1:00 – 1:15 What are the challenges faced by ICU nurses while caring for patients during the organ donation process in adult ICU settings?
Nelson R K Selvaraj
1:15 – 1:30 ePAD, what works, for whom in what circumstances and why? A realist scoping review. Where I am now. Martin Rowland
1:30 – 1:45 Exploring Vaccine Hesitancy among Welsh Prison Residents: A Qualitative Study. Christopher Smith
2:00 – 3:00 Letter from America Dr. Helen Carey
3:00 Evaluation & Close