Quarterly Reports are submitted to RCBCWales as detailed below. It is important that the due dates are adhered to as the content of the reports are collated and included in RCBCWales' report to our funders (Health and Care Research Wales, Welsh Government) which are also submitted on a quarterly basis. Receipt of a satisfactory progress report is also a requirement of payment being released to your host university/ employer.
Final project reports are submitted within 6 months of award funding ending (whether you have completed your study or not). These reports are shared with our funders.
A Change to Mode of Study form should be completed by RCBCWales Fellow, host University and RCBCWales Administration in the event of changes to study or absences of longer than 4 weeks
Logos for RCBCWales, Health & Care Research Wales and Welsh Government should be included on outputs. Suggested wording for acknowledgement of funding – for example on posters or presentations…..[project details] …..is supported by a fellowship grant funded by RCBCWales through Health and Care Research Wales, Welsh Government
Award funding is claimed by your host HEI (quarterly and in arrears and subject to receipt of a satisfactory progress report) and passed on to the relevant recipients eg, employer, fellow for CoS attendance expenses etc.
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